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Conditions of Participation

Welcome to our MOLDINO EM 2024 Kicktipp Game!

The betting game is organized by the provider newsklick UG Imprint . The focus of the prediction game is on sporting competition. The organizers of the betting game do not intend to make a profit.

All conditions for the realization of the betting game of the provider newsklick UG apply, liability for possible errors by Moldino Tool Engineering Europe is excluded. 


Only employees of Moldino Tool Engineering Europe GmbH are eligible to take part in the internal European Championship betting game.

For the period of the Prediction Game (14.06.24-14.07.24), the use of the application is permitted during office hours (if possible during break times) for entering the tips and checking the results within a reasonable time frame.

The tip is entered by entering your own name abbreviation. If the tip is not submitted in time, the system will generate an automatic tip. With the participation in the betting game, you agree that your name/ abbreviation may be processed and published by newsklick UG and MOLDINO Tool Engineering Europe GmbH. All participants in the prediction game are able to view the current results of all participants.

The participants of the competition agree to the storage of their player data and the publication of their name in the ranking list within the game. The employee has the right to cancel the storage of the data, the exact conditions can be found in the provider's terms and conditions: (AGB emkick)

The following prizes are up for the winners:

1st place individual ranking: Voucher 150 €
2nd place individual ranking: Voucher 75 €
3rd place individual ranking: Voucher 25 €

After registration, please join also your team. These are formed according to departments/branches. The members of the team with the most correct tips (calculated according to the average of all members) will receive a surprise prize as well.

May the best one win!